An agreement under Section 218 is a voluntary agreement between the state and the Social Security Administration (SSA), which provides coverage for Social Insurance and Hospital Insurance (MEDICARE) or Medicare HI-only for employees of the state and local authorities. These agreements are called “Section 218” because they are authorized by Section 218 of the Social Security Act. Section 218 of the agreements is irrevocable. All states, including the 50 states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and some 60 intergovernmental instruments have entered into an agreement with SSA under Section 218. These agreements allow states to grant, if they wish, Social Insurance and Medicare (MEDICARE) or Medicare for public sector employees. An agreement under Section 218 is an agreement that allows an employer to participate in both Social Security and certain DESTOCK plans. While many employers already have 218 agreements, benefit increases for an employer who does not have an agreement may require an employer`s creation agreement if they wish to continue to participate in Social Security and LAGERS. If you do not have an agreement 218, the administration can be useful in setting up an agreement. To verify the status of your employer`s agreement in Section 218, contact the National Social Security Administrator by phone or email: the services provided by election officials and election officials paid less than the legal threshold for the calendar year; unless the section 218 agreement applies to election officials. In addition to the majority voting procedure, some states and all intergovernmental instruments have the power to split a pension scheme based on whether employees wish to be covered by pension positions.
After the split vote referendum, only workers who vote “yes” and all future workers who become members of the pension plan will be covered. Members who vote “no” are not counted as long as they maintain a continuous employment in the same public age coverage group. The coverage`s validity date is the date indicated in section 218 Accord/modification for the start of coverage. The social security sector can vary considerably within a state or even a local territory. Do not assume section 218 coverage for a business and compliance with all applicable laws simply because a similar company complies with the status. For any questions regarding coverage for section 218, please contact your National Social Security Administrator (see For mandatory coverage issues, visit and The full social protection (compulsory social security tax) was imposed from 2 July 1991 for civil servants and municipal officials who are not members of a qualified public pension plan (FICA replacement plan) and who are not covered by an agreement provided for by Section 218, unless a specific exclusion applies under the law. A list of specific exclusions is included in Chapter 5 “Social Coverage and Medicare Coverage” of publication 963. PDF staff of the state or local government recruited or reinstated after March 31, 1986: the employee is insured for Medicare, except for specific exclusion. Each state has a designated official, the State Social Security Administrator, who is responsible for managing the agreement under Section 218 of the state and overseeing the referendum process.
The state administrator informs public employers of social security and medical coverage for government and local government employees. Contact the State Administrator for Your State All services in each class or class of polling stations, state employees and local officials may be covered for Social Security and Medicare either by mandatory coverage or by a Section 218 agreement between the state and the Social Security Administration.