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Collective Agreement Expiry

The employer and the union must keep a signed copy of the overall employment contract and provide a copy to the workers upon request. The employer must have new workers who are not unionized and whose work is covered by the coverage clause. Collective agreements indicate the date of entry into force. You can indicate that different parts of the agreement will come into force on different dates. If no date is indicated, it shall enter into force on the day on which the last party signs it. 2º – On the other hand, the provision relating to compliance with personal conditions, which is extended to each worker by virtue of Article 8 of the collective agreement, does not concern the maintenance of the normative conditions resulting from the collective agreement previously in force, but those which are strictly ad personam considered as an improvement of legal or contractual conditions; and, secondly, because it is in no way possible to infer from its wording that the sectoral agreement is intended to maintain partially in force the agreement which has already disappeared. It is equally important that this is both a complaint and an unfair labour practice (the ULFA can appeal to the Labour Relations Board) if the employer attempts to terminate any of these contractual rights. This means that the university cannot refuse to abide by the terms of our current collective agreement during ongoing negotiations. e.- The reader will wonder what in practice meant for the company and the workers to move from a provincial agreement to a state agreement.

They were not negligible, as can easily be deduced from two simple working conditions. For example, the working day went from a duration of 1742 hours (deceased agreement) to 1800 hours (higher agreement) and the gross annual salary of a graduate with a higher degree from € 27,980.42 (deceased agreement) to € 21,969.72 (higher agreement). There seems to be some uncertainty about the rights that apply after collective agreements expire. This bulletin is intended to clarify the situation. . . .